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Re: Bio's, was goofing off at work

To: "Jim" <>
Subject: Re: Bio's, was goofing off at work
From: "Michael Marr" <>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 16:13:35 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "Ken Gano" <>, "Triumphs mailing list" <>
That's the very one.  However, we don't mention anything to do with knives
around Beau - he gets very upset.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim <>
To: Michael Marr <>
Cc: Ken Gano <>; Triumphs mailing list
Date: Saturday, August 14, 1999 7:11 AM
Subject: Re: Bio's, was goofing off at work

>honestly now,  would that be THE Beau of "operational" fame?
>The wizard of cutlery?  The Knave of the Knife?
>Baron Manfred von Kutkoffen.
>Michael Marr wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Ken Gano <>
>> To: Triumphs mailing list <>
>> Date: Friday, August 13, 1999 4:03 PM
>> Subject: Bio's, was goofing off at work
>> Ken Gano said:
>> >It occurs to me that similar
>> >information might be interesting here.......
>> >
>> Here's mine:
>> Michael (Mike) Marr, 50 next month, second marriage, combined family of
>> five, four of which are in college (the last one leaves for college in
>> weeks).  Born in Tilbury, Essex, UK, came to Wisconsin in 1973.  Grew up
>> with and worked on Morris Minors, Ford Anglias, Austin A40s, MG Midgets,
>> TR3As, MGBs etc etc for my friends, usually for free beer!  I own a 60
>> that needs a body-off restoration, but every spring for the last ten
years I
>> have fired it up and think "She'll do for another year!"  Other than the
>> my hobbies are sailing, playing soccer, model railways and playing
>> blackjack.  I am one of those fortunate people that works from his home -
>> am an engineer and I work for a major electric utility located in the
>> designing and installing large energy related projects for industrial
>> clients anywhere east of the Mississippi.  I travel a lot, therefore.  My
>> wife is a magazine publisher in the aviation industry, so she travels a
>> also.  We have been known to meet up at airports 600 miles away from home
>> our paths cross.
>> My constant companion during my workday is my dog, Beau, a black lab who
>> count and can hear the word "frisbie" (his favorite game) from a half
>> away...
>> Past cars I have owned, in chronological order:
>> In the UK:  '59 Morris Minor Van, '48 Morris Minor Saloon, '59 Ford
>> '66 Hillman Imp (what a great car...)
>> In the US:  '71 Pinto, '74 MGBGT, '60 MGA Coupe, '76 Audi Fox, '67 Ford
>> F250, '73 Chevy C10, '80 Datsun Pickup, '81 Audi 4000, '81 VW Rabbit, '84
>> Rabbit GTI (hte second best car I have owned), '84 Audi 4000s Quattro,
>> '86(?) Chevy Astro Van, '86 Audi 200 Turbo Quattro (definitely the best
>> I ever owned), '90 Ford Aerostar Van, '96 Ford Explorer and a '98 Ford
>> Ranger.  I have also had two Tauruses (Tauri?) as company cars, plus
>> beaters that I have bought for the kids to drive.  Is this conspicuous
>> consumption, or what?  God, I love this country!

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