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Theft Proofing - switch locations anyone?

To: "TR list" <>
Subject: Theft Proofing - switch locations anyone?
From: "Fredd" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 03:59:01 -0700charset="iso-8859-1"
Randall wrote :

>I also think killing the fuel supply, instead of the ignition is a good
>idea.  The concept is that the car will start, and run for a few blocks,
>which will most likely be a much more open, unprotected place.  Then the
>car dies mysteriously, and most thieves will simply take to their heels.

Don't do this, unless you want to confirm what Les said earlier in regards
of the Mc D coffee * 2. the legal system worked just fine.*
Until a few years ago, the "killing of the fuel supply" was very common in
several alarm systems.
This was stopped by the ridiculous litigation that protect the criminals.
Following scenario; you have the fuel system interupted in your alarm
A thief steals your car and a few blocks down the road, he runs out of fuel
in the middle of an intersection. Resulting in a car crash. YOU will be
responsible for all the damages on your car AND the other cars. And of
course, YOU will also be responsable for all the injuries and damages that
the thief will pretend to have, he will never find a job and you will
support him and his family for the rest of his life.
Of course some will say * the legal system worked just fine.*
I prefer to use what Fergie said : "Whatever happened to common sense?"
My answer, there is no common sence in the legal system anymore.


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