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Altitude and carbs

To: "'Dave Massey'" <>, "'TR List'" <>
Subject: Altitude and carbs
From: "Jim Altman" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 20:45:33 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal
Well, on my late marathon, I started at 1000 feet in Atlanta, went through
St. Louis (500) to Denver (5280) to Estes Park (~8500) over Trail Ridge Road
(~12200) back down to 8000, back up to ~12500 (Independence Pass). Up, down,
back and forth.

Never touched the carbs.  Never felt the need to touch the carbs.

Consider the possibilty that our CD (Constant Depression) carbs generate
less vacuum with less air and thus less fuel is sucked up the jet.  Or
perhaps the vacuum is the same at all altitudes as the piston will rise or
fall to adjust the air flow to provide the right vacuum.

Although I realize it was long ago, but in the early 70's I used to go from
Minnesota to mountains annually in a 6  and never adjusted the carbs.

I think the carbs function in a manner that renders altitude irrelevant.
Flame suit on, fire when ready.

Jim Altman Illigitimi non Carborundum    69-TR6#CC28754L(O)  W4UCK

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Dave Massey
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 1999 1:04 PM
To: TR List
Subject: Re: Another VTR Story

Bud Rolofson writes:

>My advice to the list is those coming to Colorado
>(gotta go over at least 9500 ft. over Vail pass or
>through the Eisenhower tunnel to get to
>Breckenridge) for VTR 2001 to start a thread on
>ideas for adjusting TRs for changes in altitude in
>case you need to...I wished I'd started one about
>6 months ago.

Your assignment is to determine how much one needs
to adjust one's Strombergs per unit elevation.  In other
words, is it one turn per 2,700 ft?  Or 1/3 turn per 1,000 ft?

When I leave St. Louis (~500 ft) and drive to Kansas City
(~900 ft) no problem.  But when I cross Kansas I go from
900 ft elevation to Colaransas (or is it Kansarado?) at
some 3,000 ft elevation I will need to lean out the carbs
how much?

OK, now I've started the thread, someone else jump in.

Dave Massey

P.S.  Great report, Bud.

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