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Re: Tubs 4/4A

To: "Triumphs List" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: Tubs 4/4A
From: "Keith R. Stewart" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 06:04:20 -0400
You ask:


Are the body tubs identical on the 4 and the 4A. I ask because of the 
difference in frames. Are the mounting points in the same places?
Basically yes...however, the floorpans have a slightly different
indentation for the rear out-riggers (at the widest part of the bottom of
the "bell" shape, just forward of the part of the frame that supports the
trailing arms on the 4A). The TR4 has a four bolt,square pattern on each
side, similar to the forward out-riggers. The TR4A has a three bolt,
triangular pattern on each side. After market floor pans have the
indentations for BOTH versions since the same floor pan is used for TR4's,
4A's, 250's, and 6's.

Keith Stewart

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