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Re: Tubs 4/4A

Subject: Re: Tubs 4/4A
From: "" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 13:23:49 PDT

>Subject: Re: Tubs 4/4A
>Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 15:14:11 EDT
>In a message dated 25-Jul-99 15:15:59 Eastern Daylight Time, 
> > Are the body tubs identical on the 4 and the 4A. I ask because of the
> >  difference in frames. Are the mounting points in the same places?
> >  TIA.
> >
>Body tubs are very, very similar.  I would say they are identical except 
>the upper valence (where the headlights go).  They are interchangeable.

  Not so. The upper valence is the same, or the difference is so small
   that it's not enough to hinder your plan.

   I must have been napping when this one slipped through the first time... 
The differences are minimal. You can bolt the TR4A tub to a TR4 frame. I did 

My `4 is an early car. If your `4 is a later one, you may not have to mess 
with the door straps. The early TR4 retaining straps are wide verticaly 
where the later 4's and 4A's, I believe are wider horizontally. You may have 
to adapt your retaining strap mounts on the doors to acomodate this. I 
didn't and use leather straps to keep my doors from opening too far.

There is a difference around the cockpit back that accounts for the TR4A's 
more modern hood (top) mounting, but you can still mount the TR4 frame to 
the body at the sides. It may be a tad wider at the leading edge of the 
upper the b pillar. The aluminum cockpit surround pieces will bolt right on 
but the fit is not perfect. The aluminum will need to be adjusted to fit. 
There will also be a small bolt hole that remains uncovered at the top on 
both sides of the b pillar. A possible dodge would be to use the hood from 
the TR4A.

You must decide whether or not to retain the center emergency brake handle. 
I cut mine off and used the "side of the tranny tunnel lever" that came with 
the `4 (the hole for it is in the TR4A, and plugged the two holes at the 
front of the back deck. There are two welded in bolts on the back deck, 
pointing down, that bolt on to the TR4A frame that hang out there with no 
purpose. You can either cut them off or leave them (You may want to mount a 
fuel pump or something there at some future date).

Greg Petrolati

Greg Petrolati Champaign, Illinois
1962 TR4 (CT4852L)

That's not a leak... My car's just marking its territory...

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