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Re: Spin on oil adapter gaskets

To: TR <>
Subject: Re: Spin on oil adapter gaskets
From: George Hahn <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 13:47:19 -0700
References: <002901becdf9$2b0d5f40$469dc8d0@sanbornb3>
Brian Sanborn wrote:

> I could not get the big fat flat o-ring that came with the conversion to
> work.  It was too fat to slip into the groove.  I ended up using a the
> biggest ring from a unused cartridge filter....

I had the same problem, did the same solution (leftover ring from old
cartridge filter) and had a leak.

Just this morning pulled it off and examined that ring real close... it
looked okay at a glance but a careful look revealed it was not the same
dimension (width actually) all the way 'round.  Tried once more to fit
that fat one that comes with the adaptor, still couldn't.  Finally went
with another "old" ring which looked good.  Seems to have stopped the

Guess all those messy cartridge changes where I didn't replace the ring
were a good thing as I still have some spares.

Jack, some suggestions:  

1) Examine the ring closely for consistent dimensions.  

2) Don't (as I think someone suggested) use red Loctite on the threads
of the adaptor as you may have to remove it to work on a leak.

3) Make sure the groove is empty... I've heard of people finding more
than one old ring stuck up in there.

Geo Hahn
59 TR3A

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