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RE: switch plinth holes

To: "'TR6 List'" <>
Subject: RE: switch plinth holes
From: Peter Zaborski <>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 15:47:48 -0700
Well the list comes through once again (and fast!). Thanks to the replies of
two listers (Brian Borgstede and "Mr. Mike" Passaretti -- thanks!) it turns
out the special tools are made by Greenlee. I found the detail info at
<>. Although I am sure
these tools will not be cheap. But now I know they do exist.

I suppose I will just do my one hole with a drill and Dremel...

--- Peter Zaborski  CF58310UO ---

> From: Peter Zaborski 
> Sent: Thursday, February 25, 1999 2:28 PM
> The TR6 (and others) has holes in the dash switch plinth for 
> a variety of switches and control knobs. These switches and 
> control knobs fit into the plinth via an almost round hole. I 
> say almost because in order to properly orient the switch, 
> the hole will be shaped like a plump D with the flat part of 
> the hole matching up to a flat on the threaded shaft of the 
> switch (ie. the heater switch, the choke control knob, the 
> heat control knob, etc.).
> Does anyone have a technique for making such D shaped holes? 
> (I don't have a metal lathe or any other such equipment, no 
> CNC machine either).
> Thanks for any insights.
> --- Peter Zaborski  CF58310UO ---

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