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RE: switch plinth holes

To: Peter Zaborski <>
Subject: RE: switch plinth holes
From: "\"Mr. Mike\" Passaretti" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 16:35:10 -0600
Cc: "'TR6 List'" <>
References: <>

>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Zaborski <> writes:

    Peter> I think I see it, if I use the proper size bit, I
    Peter> will have removed the material for the flat spot. Using a
    Peter> smaller drill bit will result in the round part of the hole
    Peter> having the wrong diameter (too small). I can probably use a
    Peter> file to make the hole the right size after drilling with a
    Peter> "too small" bit, but I wanted to see if there was a tool
    Peter> which already does this.

Greenlee makes "D" punches.  You drill the hole small, put the shaft of
the punch through, assemble it on the two sides and then use a wrench to
tighten the punch up and make the hole.  I've used them for mounting
switches in rack panels, can't see that a dashboard would be any
different.  They cost ~$20 each, though...

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