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Re: Overheating Dolomite 1850

To:, TR <>
Subject: Re: Overheating Dolomite 1850
From: George Hahn <>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 15:41:42 -0700
References: <> wrote:
>      Help!  I'm having trouble with an overheating Dolomite 1850...

I'd start by verfiying that the thermostat is installed the right way
'round (by examining the manual and assuring yourself that you have it
right) and then by confirming that it is actually opening.  The easiest
way to do this is to feel the hoses as the engine warms up.

For most cars (& presumably the Dolomite) the bottom hose is the return
from the radiator and should remain cool or at least no more than
warmish while the thermostat is closed.  Then, when it opens, it will
warm up rather quickly soon becoming as hot as the top hose.  If it
never gets hot then the stat isn't opening.  

I know nothing about Dolomites but have spent some time in the pursuit
of a broiler-proof TR.

Geo Hahn
59 TR3A
Tucson, AZ

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