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Re: Overheating Dolomite 1850

Subject: Re: Overheating Dolomite 1850
From: (Gerhard Wiederholl)
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 20:23:27 +0100
References: <>
There is an easy way to check the radiator for water flow obstruction:

-Remove the lower water hose

-Remove the radiator filler cap

-pour water into the radiator

If now water comes out from the lower outlet tube as fast as you can fill it 
the radiator is ok. 
If only little water leaves the radiator through the lower outlet tube, you 
an obstructed radiator and the source of your problem.


Gerhard Wiederholl

CC 31998 LO schrieb:
>      Help!  I'm having trouble with an overheating Dolomite 1850 - I've 
>      done all the bits that should be done - new thermostat (right one with 
>      the long plug), flushed radiator and block, hoses checked and working 
>      (not leaking) - timing is ok and the car seems to go alright.  I've 
>      drilled a hole throught the thermostat so there's no air lock and 
>      everything else seems to be right - water pump is working ok as well.  
>      What's the secret with these things?  All help appreciated.
>      John Mc
>      '71 TR6 PI
>      '76 Dolomite 1850
>      'Fast is First'

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