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Re: Exhausted!

Subject: Re: Exhausted!
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 16:05:01 EST
In a message dated 09/02/99 13:36:52 GMT, you write:

<<   Hi, I'm Troy McClure, you may have seen me in TV Movies such as 'Last
 Priest in paradise' today I'm here to show you a great way to save money
 and improve your car.......
   this infomercial was brought to you by Sunderland industries.....:-) >>

Johnny, I am getting a bit fed-up with your constantly bashing TSSC.

Do you really think that the Triumph scene would be enhanced if TSSC and
perhaps the traders and/or Triumph Clubs, (that you don't appreciate), didn't
exist at all ?

I think you are doing a grave disservice to many TSSC members and Triumph
enthusiasts (past and present) who give of their free time willingly and
without payment for the cause ?

No, believe it or not, I have NOT been brainwashed, I am just like many other
keen Triumph club members on this list, who do stuff for their clubs.

Writing for the magazine, attending innumerable conferences at the Federation
of British Classic Vehicle Clubs, Writing in defence of Triumph's and the
Classic Car movement to M.P.'s both British and European, plust the Dept of
Transport and Environment, defending Triumph owners corner and helping to
ensure that we are actually allowed to continue to drive our cars on the road

Make no mistake, if our beloved Prime Minister and the SMMT had their way
there would be no road tax exemption on any old cars, and any cars that could
not run on unleaded would have been scrapped long ago.
Motoring would be for the rich alone, and slow, dirty, dangerous little cars
like ours would not be allowed on the the public highway, as they only imped
the flow of modern traffic,and are therefore an obstruction.

It is a pity that you don't get involved yourself and see exactly what is
going on, and perhaps consider doing something about it yourself occasionally?

Try, perhaps for once to be a giver instead of a taker, all sorts of clubs
have many more of the latter than the former, not just Triumph Clubs.
Remember if all were takers, then there would be no clubs at all,and we would
all be alone to fight anyone would decided that our hobby was not politically
correct or environmentally friendy or whatever. Look what happened to Gun
Clubs in the UK. 
I'm not crazy about guns, but that's not the point.

FWIW, Bill Sunderland who is Mangaging Director of the TSSC is paid a wage by
the TSSC, he doesn't own it like Roche Bentley owns the MGOC.
He happens to work hard, as do the other seven TSSC staff, I know, I have been
at the Club Offices and seen them during the week.

Anyhow, This is not a flame,although it may seem like one. I'm just rather
fed-up with ill-informed people, criticising without proper consideration or
knowledge of what they are talking about!

ps.I refuse to be drawn in to any kind of thread on this issue as I am far to
working on club business.

Leon F Guyot
Triumph Sports Six Club Member for 18 years
and on the Committee for the last 10 years, so I can represent members
worldwide and help steer the club in the right direction.




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