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Re: Haynes TR6 TR5 and 250 Manual

To: Andrew Mace <>, Wayne Tallack <>
Subject: Re: Haynes TR6 TR5 and 250 Manual
From: Trevor Jordan <tjordan@VIC.BIGPOND.NET.AU>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 20:49:23 +1100
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <003d01be11af$970b4600$a0aa2581@tallack>
If Haynes have no intention of reprinting this manual, then perhaps they
would be prepared to licence someone else to reproduce it.

It would still be a good deal even if Wayne had to add another $5 to each
copy as a royalty to Haynes

Regards, Trevor Jordan

At 11:47 AM +1100 17/11/98, Andrew Mace wrote:
>On Mon, 16 Nov 1998, Wayne Tallack wrote:
>> If anyone (Canadian or otherwise) wants a photocopy of the Haynes manual
>> (until they can replace it by a reprint issued by Haynes or you are lucky
>> enough to find one on the secondary market) please email me....
>I'd be careful here, especially in the case of a book where a: copyright
>is still current and b: there might be plans by the publisher to reprint
>the material. A single copy MIGHT be considered "fair use" under
>copyright law (for research purposes, private use, yadda, yadda...). But
>multiple copies provided for a fee, even if that fee literally covers
>only your costs at no profit, would be rather more difficult to defend
>should the publisher find out about this.
>There have been court cases filed against copy centers that have done
>such copying; some of them will flat-out deny your request for multiple
>copies of such a reference work. Others simply won't copy even a single
>page out of such a book, for fear of reprisal.
>Food for thought.

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