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Re: hardy MGB driver

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: hardy MGB driver
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 08:55:34 -0600
>>>>> "James" == James Tschaikowsky <> writes:

    James> I don't mean to be insulting to any truck fan's out there,
    James> each to their own I say. But could someone please tell me
    James> what the hell is so cool about owning a truck! Sure they have
    James> presence, but they look horribly utilitarian and handle
    James> atrociously. Can anyone out there explain what I'm missing.

Hauling home spare spitfire engines, doors, hay, horses, topsoil, etc.

  The part I find somewhat ironic, is that my big ol' heavy duty extended
cab F250 with farm plates handles far better than any of my Triumphs could
ever hope to.  

Greg Tobin
'70 GT6+     parts in boxes for 1.73 cars
'72 Mark IV daily driver
'79 1500     garage potato

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