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Re: hardy MGB driver

To: "Peter J. Thomas" <>, "Mr. Mike Passaretti" <>
Subject: Re: hardy MGB driver
From: larry hooven <>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 08:29:02 -0700 (PDT)
Cc: James Tschaikowsky <>, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net

---"Peter J. Thomas" <> wrote:
> "Mr. Mike" Passaretti wrote:
> > >>>>> "James" == James Tschaikowsky <> writes:
> >
> >     James> I don't mean to be insulting to any truck fan's out
> >     James> each to their own I say. But could someone please tell me
> >     James> what the hell is so cool about owning a truck! Sure
they have
> >     James> presence, but they look horribly utilitarian and handle
> >     James> atrociously. Can anyone out there explain what I'm
> >
> > In a word, hauling.  Hauling bales of hay, hauling engines, hauling
> > chest freezers, hauling tools, hauling dawgs.  All other uses
(with the
> > exception of true off-roading) are mostly for poseurs.
> >
> If hauling is the only legitimate excuse, truck people should by
mini vans.
> Far more utilitarian.  Except for stuff that is loaded with a pay
loader, a
> mini van can carry almost anything a truck can.  They can also carry
> people (7 compared to 3).  Most importantly, you can live in it when
you LBC
> costs prevent you from paying rent.  It's just not as macho as a
> ^^^^^^^

try taking your mini van or (ahem) suv/station wagon to a feed store
after a 3 inch rain and see how far you get into the back to get your

larry  (JMHO)

> SUV's are for people who need a station wagon but are to embarrassed
to be
> seen in one.  Again, a mini van is more utilitarian.
> The one thing no one can really appreciate till they have driven a
> SUV, or mini van is the driving height.  On the highway, you can see
> most traffic.  At the mall you can spot an open parking space from a
> distance.  Occasionally, you're fooled by a LBC hiding in what looks
like an
> open space.
> The bigger vechiles are much more comfortable.  Lots of room. Up right
> seating.  You climb into them instead of crawling into them.  And
after many
> years of marriage, there is some space between you and your spouse
and you
> and your kids.
> Every nuclear family should own one big vechile for hauling family and
> stuff, one small vechile to save on gas, and one LBC for daddy to
escape in.
> Mini van owner and proud of it (really),
> Peter Thomas

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