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Re: TR6 heater return pipe connection

To: "Triumph list" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: TR6 heater return pipe connection
From: "Andrew Dixon" <>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 23:02:42 -0400
Cc: "Brian Kemp" <>
The reason for the adapter is to ensure that the other end of the pipe points 
in the right direction to be connected to the heater hoses. If they didn't use 
the compression fitting it would be hard, especially after a couple of 
removals to ensure no leaks at the water pump end. Heaven forbid you 
have to play with different lengths of teflon tape to get the pipe at the right 
orientation without a leak. Life's hard enough as it is.

>Brian Kemp wrote:
>> My questions to the wisdom of the list:  Why is there both an adapter
>> and a fitting to connect the pipe to the water pump housing?   Is there
>> any reason why I shouldn't do it with a single part?
>> Thanks,
>> Brian Kemp
>> 72 TR6

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