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Re: Nasty Chemicals

Subject: Re: Nasty Chemicals
From: Dean Paige <>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 08:58:23 -0700
Cc: Malcolm Walker <>, Jim Barbuscia <jim.barbuscia@West.Sun.COM>, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: City of Santa Rosa
References: <> <> <>
> Before abandoning all hope, call your local Safety-kleen dealer.  The'll
> sell you the goods and then when it's time to change the stuff, they'll
> take the old away to be recycled.
> Just a thought..
> John
> --
> Come see us on the Web!

I should have mentioned Safety-Kleen. They actually supply the Citrus 
based cleaner we use in the solvent tank at the Water Reclamation Plant. 
The problem is that S-K puts you on a contract. They have a minimum 
service agreement and pick up and replace your solvent at least once 
every two months whether you need new solvent or not. For the occassional 
home user this can get expensive.

I should also have mentioned that the solvents can be disposed of at the 
Household Hazardous Waste days sponsored by most counties. Remember 
though DOT regs limit the amount of waste you can carry in a private 
vehicle, usually to 5 gallons or 50 pounds.


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