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Re: Employment Opportunity

To: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Subject: Re: Employment Opportunity
From: "Richard Fontaine (ENG)" <>
Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 10:16:25 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: Bob Wanta <>, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
concur with michael,you are a cheese bag. strong letter to follow. have a
nice day.

On Wed, 14 May 1997, Michael D. Porter wrote:

> Bob Wanta wrote:
> > 
> >         4.  The apprentice will post a $5000.00 deposit for training costs 
> > will be refunded after 5 years of service.  This deposit will not be
> > refunded if the apprentice is fired for cause or leaves sooner than five
> > years.
> Bob, you're not looking for an apprentice, or a mechanic--you're looking
> for a slave at his own expense. I've worked in a lot of shops, have a
> hell of an education and tons of experience which I learned on my own,
> and on the terms you described above, would never work for you in a
> dozen lifetimes. People transported from England to America and
> Australia in indentured servitude for crimes committed in GB had better
> terms than those you offer. You expect someone to pay to work for you?
> What unmitigated gall! You have offered no substantial credentials
> whatsoever, and have not stated in detail the advantages of an
> association with you. Funny, you don't even mention the name of your
> shop, except in your address (Bob's Auto??? You've got to be
> kidding....).  You're a fraud--if you cheat your customers to half the
> degree you cheat your employees, I have one thing to say to you--others
> here may think differently, but to my mind, you and your sweatshop
> advertisements are not welcome here. Keep in mind that there are lawyers
> on this list... your employees may be seeking their advice not for
> Triumphs, but for discrimination lawsuits.  Stay away from customers,
> employees and this list. Period. Plainly, and with apologies to all
> other hobbyists on this list, fuck you, dumb and self-interested
> asshole.
> >         Thank you very much - Bob Wanta
> No, thank you, Bob Wantabe.

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