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RE: Employment Opportunity

To: "'Michael D. Porter'" <>, "''" <>
Subject: RE: Employment Opportunity
From: Peter Zaborski <>
Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 09:41:27 -0600
Cc: "'TR6 List'" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Hey man, chill out. If you took the trouble to read Bob's web page
( you might have different opinion.

He was not trying to promote his shop, merely looking for something
related to british cars. If you don't like his terms just ignore the

As for lawyers being on the list - big f***in' deal. What do you think
they, you, or anyone else for that matter can do about anybody posting

Peter Zaborski
76 TR6 (CF58310 UO)
Calgary AB Canada

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Michael D. Porter []
        Sent:   Wednesday, May 14, 1997 1:31 AM
        To:     Bob Wanta
        Subject:        Re: Employment Opportunity

        Bob Wanta wrote:

        >         4.  The apprentice will post a $5000.00 deposit for
training costs which
        > will be refunded after 5 years of service.  This deposit will
not be
        > refunded if the apprentice is fired for cause or leaves sooner
than five
        > years.

        Bob, you're not looking for an apprentice, or a mechanic--you're
        for a slave at his own expense. I've worked in a lot of shops,
have a
        hell of an education and tons of experience which I learned on
my own,
        and on the terms you described above, would never work for you
in a
        dozen lifetimes. People transported from England to America and
        Australia in indentured servitude for crimes committed in GB had
        terms than those you offer. You expect someone to pay to work
for you?
        What unmitigated gall! You have offered no substantial
        whatsoever, and have not stated in detail the advantages of an
        association with you. Funny, you don't even mention the name of
        shop, except in your address (Bob's Auto??? You've got to be
        kidding....).  You're a fraud--if you cheat your customers to
half the
        degree you cheat your employees, I have one thing to say to
        here may think differently, but to my mind, you and your
        advertisements are not welcome here. Keep in mind that there are
        on this list... your employees may be seeking their advice not
        Triumphs, but for discrimination lawsuits.  Stay away from
        employees and this list. Period. Plainly, and with apologies to
        other hobbyists on this list, fuck you, dumb and self-interested

        >         Thank you very much - Bob Wanta

        No, thank you, Bob Wantabe.

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