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RE: Ummm, TWO Fuel Filters??

To: "" <> (Return requested)
Subject: RE: Ummm, TWO Fuel Filters??
From: "Vincenti, Ross" <>
Date: 13 May 1997 07:53:38 -0700
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     I am curious if it is normal to have TWO inline fuel filters in a '76
     TR6.  My TR6, which I bought last August, has a fuel filter before the
     carbs and then another before the fuel pump.  In replacing the two
     filters, the one before the fuel pump was full of this fine rusty-
     looking silt.  Perhaps, an indication of problems in the tank?
Possibly, but not necessarily.  How much silt are we talking about?  Has the 
tank ever been removed and cleaned out?
     Is this overkill?  Are the two absolutely necessary?  Am I correct in
     assuming that I may get rid of the one before the fuel pump?
Depends on how you feel about dirty fuel mucking up your fuel pump, carbs, 
valves and pistons.  I don't think it is overkill, just very cautious.  Two 
filters are not "necessary" but not a bad idea if the tank has some crud in 
it as it sounds like yours does.  I have a really nice glass bodied 
unscrewable filter just off the tank that I clean out regularly and blow dry 
with compressed air.  Works great but I have been thinking about adding a 
small replaceable filter further down line as a precaution.

Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire 4
64 Porsche 356C Coupe

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