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THANKS - (was Needles for SU Carbs)

To: "Charlie Brown" <> (Return requested), "Triumph Group" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net> (Return requested)
Subject: THANKS - (was Needles for SU Carbs)
From: "Vincenti, Ross" <>
Date: 07 May 1997 15:36:52 -0700
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Just a quick note to say thanks to all who responded re: SU needles.  In 
fact, special thanks to Charlie Brown for passing along this source which I 
figured others on the list might appreciate, too.  Regards,

Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire 4
64 Porsche 356C Coupe,
Joe Curto of College Point, NY is your source. I've had several orders
filled by them. They carry a fairly good selection and their shipping is
prompt. Needles are about $9 ea, and they take charge cards. One quick
word. Depending on the vintage of your carbs, they have either plain or
spring loaded bases. If you have solid mounts in the pistons, order
needles with a two letter designation. The spring loaded, longer needles,
have a three letter code. There is no advantage, that I or Joe Curto
could see, in the longer needles, unless you need the extra collar of the
spring loaded variety.

When you call to order, be prepared to have a couple choices. They carry
many sizes, but not all listed in the Haynes SU manual. If you're
prepared to wait 4-6 weeks, they can get just about anything.

The numbers are 718-762-7878 or FAX to 718-762-6287

Have fun,
Charlie B.
Spitfire Pilot
> Greetings all,
> Need some advice on where to get replacement needles for the twin SU HS2
> carbs on my early Spit.  I already rebuild them with a kit from TRF using
> factory parts.  I  would like to order a set of needles one size richer 
> maybe a leaner set, too) to experiment with and see if this cures some of
> the hesitation at higher RPMs.  Does TRF or someone else carry different
> size needles?  Thanks,

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  • THANKS - (was Needles for SU Carbs), Vincenti, Ross <=