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Re: Rear Steer?

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Rear Steer?
From: Alan Crane <>
Date: Wed, 07 May 1997 18:46:53 -0400
> Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 15:15:34 -0500
> From: Roger Helman <>
> Subject: Re: Rear Steer?
> Philip E. Barnes wrote:
>   Jeff Hapke says:
>   "When I get off of the gas, the nose of my car (TR6) dives to the
>   right, back on the gas and it straightens out."
>   My car does the same thing. I'm wondering if my frame has a weak spot that
>   is flexing. The alignment of my car was set up with no complaints from the
>   fellow that did the work, and the car tracks straight and sits level. All
>   the bushings are new front and rear. I'd be interested in the source of
>   this problem, as well. I don't recall the car doing this when I drove it
>   regularly 15 years ago.
>   Phil Barnes
>   Cortland, NY (nowhere near New York City)
>   '71 TR6  CC61193L (20 year owner)
>     My 71 '6  Does basically the same thing.  I have new  bushings front
> and back, and uprated springs. The car doesn't pull in either direction
> while excelerating.  I thought it was because my lever shocks  need to
> be replaced. Any insight would be helpful.
> - --
> Roger Helman

I am a little late joining this thread because of problems with my email
software.  Hopefully now solved.

I had exactly this problem on my TR4A (rigid axle).  I was told on good
authority that the problem was probably due to aging bushings in the
rear springs.  So I laboriously replaced them.  Didn't make a bit of

Next was the front suspension.  I took it to an alignment garage where
they told me the upper bushings had deteriorated.  Whoopee! That's gotta
be it.  So I replaced them with urethane.  Didn't make a bit of
difference (well, maybe a bit, but I could still have lurched the car
off a wet road with a sharp back off on the accelerator).

The only other thing I could thing I could think of was the
differential, which clearly had too much play.  Since none of you had
bought the rear axle I advertised a couple of months ago, I had a spare.
I swapped axles and the problem was solved.  Gee it feels great now.

Most of us don't keep spare axles around or even just differentials. 
But if the problem is not in your suspension, check out the
differential.  See how much play there is when you move one wheel while
holding the other wheel immobile.  Shouldn't be much.  I think there was
a thread on this a few months ago. Reducing the play might just be a
matter of adjusting shims inside.

Alan Crane

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