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Re: FW: HELP! I can't change gears on my TR6

To: Mark J Bradakis <mjb@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: FW: HELP! I can't change gears on my TR6
From: James Charles Ruwaldt <>
Date: Wed, 7 May 1997 17:14:24 -0500 (EST)
It may also be that your linkage is worn to the point that there's too 
much play to disengage the clutch.  That happened to me a couple of years 
ago, and I ground the stop off the back of the clutch pedal to get a 
little more movement.  This worked fine.  Eventually, I suppose I'll have to 
replace the linkage.
Jim Ruwaldt
'72 TR6 CC79338U(being restored)

On Sun, 4 May 1997, Mark J Bradakis wrote:

> [BOUNCE triumphs@Autox.Team.Net:  Admin request: /^subject:\s*help\b/i]
>      Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 21:22:18 +0800
>      From: Chris and Kathy <>
>      Subject: HELP! I can't change gears on my TR6
> To one and all!
> I jumped into my TR6 this afternoon after a long drive in the morning, and
> found that it was progressivly harder to change gears. By the time I got to
> my destination, I could not put the car into 1st. In the end I had to get
> home by driving in 3rd Gear (that is starting and stopping in 3rd). If I
> trurned the ignition off the gears would engage perfectly, however when the
> engine was on I could not change the gears. On contacting and explaining to
> the mechanic that I use my predicament (via phone), he seemed to think that
> I had blown a "master seal". He then suggested that I fill the oil reserve
> for the clutch. I have done this but it has not seemed to do anything. Oh
> when I have the car in gear with my foot on the clutch, the car appears to
> crawl along. It almost seems that the clutch is burnt out.
> I'm taking the car in next week to the mechanic, but to satisfy my mind can
> anyone suggest what it may be?
> All the best.
> Chris
> Perth, Western Australia

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