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Re: Problems bleeding Spitfire brakes

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net, Eric Kieboom <>
Subject: Re: Problems bleeding Spitfire brakes
From: John Matthews <>
Date: Fri, 02 May 1997 08:42:03 -0700
Organization: Serena Industries, Inc. <>
References: <>
Eric Kieboom wrote:
> After a long, enjoyable time lurking here, I'm finally coming out: I've got
> a problem....
> I'm sure it's been around the list before, as I seem to recall it being
> discussed about a year ago. However, I didn't pay attention then :-(
> My father and I have just finished overhauling my '77 Spitfire's brake
> system: new rear cylinders, new seals in front cylinders, new front pads,
> new seals in master cylinder, new hoses, new front-to-back brake pipes.
> Now the system won't bleed properly and the pedal remains soft. We keep
> getting tiny bubbles and foam, even after we've pumped three litres of fluid
> through the system. We primed and bench-bled the master cylinder and bleed
> by the book: nipple open - pump in - nipple closed - pump out. I can see
> there's foam coming out as I use a length of silicone tube in a jam jar.
> Additional info:
>  * standard double brake system
>  * small brake reservoir
>  * no visible/noticeable leaks
>  * handbrake off while bleeding
>  * DOT 3 brake fluid
> We're getting kinda desperate, as it's been three bleedin' days now and I'm
> getting married next Tuesday... :-)
> Any ideas *very much* appreciated!
> Eric Kieboom
> The Netherlands


This is really common. If you have one of those double resivoirs make
sure you fill the rear chamber. Also try adjusting the rear adjusters,
these can make the whole system feel spongier. I don't know how stiff
the pedal is supposed to be, but something tells me it's not very......


John Matthews
'61 & '65 Heralds

P.S.   Congratulations!!!!!!!!1

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