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Re: FW: Spit w/ V8 Motor

Subject: Re: FW: Spit w/ V8 Motor
From: Tom Tweed <>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 20:46:06 -0400
Fellow Motorheads,

I have two suggestions regarding this proposed conversion, and you can
pick either:
1)  Don't do it !   ...or...
2)  You'll be sorry !!

About 20 years ago, a couple of bright, talented buddies of mine, both of
'em fresh from Tech school, decided to put a Chevy 283 / powerglide (that's
a common old 2-spd auto trans) into a mid-'60s Fiat coupe. The 283 was a
common small-block V-8 available at any salvage yard.  Well, they did it.
With much torching and addition of steel plate, they finished this little
car, and climbed into the back seat (fronts had to be removed to accomo-
date engine) and `fired that Mother up'.  It proved to be an excellent
form of laxative, when taken out of the barn and onto the nearly deserted
local township roads (paved, badly).

My point in relating this is, that aside from choking anyone in the vicin-
ity with tire smoke, this poor bastard of a car could do little else.
Once the hormone surge had been experienced and the desire for a driveable
car set in, they realized that all they had on their hands was a screamin'
smokin' freak of a car that nobody else wanted, except at scrap price,
which is what eventually happened to it...and the best part is, they lived
to shake their heads and laugh about it later.

And if there's a FIAT club somewhere, that's one more they lost to DPOs.

Best regards,
Tom Tweed
SW Ohio

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