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Re: Sanity Check on TR 6 ownership !

Subject: Re: Sanity Check on TR 6 ownership !
From: Tom Tweed <>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 19:29:02 -0400
Hey George,
Everybody needs a hobby, right ?  Even the shrinks agree on that.  There's
no requirement that it be a productive or meaningful hobby, though, so if
we TR owners get our jollies by showering money onto rusty White Elephants,
and can be observed to derive great joy and personal satisfaction while
engaged in that diversion, well, as long as it's less than about $75./hour
then we can claim to be SAVING money, compared to a road trip with the guys
with the van and the white coats !  Speaking of vans, in the local auto-
trader paper there's a '48 Thames panel van, great shape, white even, runs
and drives, mostly original...better get it before the hot rodders cut it
up and put a V-8 Chevy and black fuzzy interior in it....

Tom Tweed
SW Ohio

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