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Re: Sanity Check on TR 6 ownership !

Subject: Re: Sanity Check on TR 6 ownership !
From: Rodney Orr <>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 08:02:11 -0600 (MDT)
I still joke that I spend more time under my car than in it.  While thats
not been true this year - for the first time since buying it in 1992 - I
know its only a matter of time before something else goes wrong.  I tell
people that lbcs are like helicopters - they need as many hours maintanence
as they do flying - and that my Triumph is just a collection of parts flying
together in loose formation.

Hang in (and under) there!
Rod.  '70 TR6  CC55899L

At 08:46 19/09/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Most of you have read my problems, and offered advice.  Is is a prerequisite
>of TR owners to have gone insane ?  It seems that the "clean" car I bought in
>April, from the local Triumph club ( and a good mechanic), has decided that
>it would rather sit in the garage than run and have fun in the sun about
>town.   We've had new rear suspension, turned the rotors/drums, rebuilt
>distributor, points, plugs, wires... Is the first year of ownership always so
>trying ?  Is it part of being a beginning mechanic on a steep learning curve
>Excuse the's just that the sit/drive ratio is currently hovering
>around 80%/20% and I miss the ragtop.
>Evaluations are welcome.  
>Carol Z.
>74 TR6 (moody !)

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