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You guy are letting me down...

Subject: You guy are letting me down...
From: (Bruce T. Clough)
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 1996 07:31:22 -0400
I was cruising in the '79 TR7 DHC (The Infidel) yesterday listening to 
"Switched On Bach" in the 8-track player, totally dismayed that nobody on 
the mailing lists had a copy of "ABBA's Greatest Hits" on 8-track that they 
could part with.  

I realized then that I had my goal set too high.

So, how's about Heart's "Little Queen", or Meatloaf's "Bat Out Of Hell"?  
Anybody got those on 8-track that would like to donate them to some 
retro-whacko that just bought a TR7 FHC for an everyday driver.

Dudes, I need my tunes!

The medicine has helped, ciao,

Bruce Clough

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