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Re: Re[2]: Catalogs

To: Gregory Petrolati <>, Peter Mchugh <>
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Catalogs
From: R John Lye <>
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 96 09:33:41 EDT
Cc:, Michael Noerregaard <>
On Aug 8,  9:00am, Gregory Petrolati wrote:
> >      I think that the relationship between Moss and Triumphtune has 
> >      changed...not connected anytmore.
> >      
> >      Triumphtune # 011-441-81948-6666
>         I can't credit that... Their catalogues (which I received just last

>         month still have "Moss" plastered all over them). If there was a 
>         change I think they would include some sort of mention of the 
>         parting, even if it was just a card isert.

Apparently, Moss Europe and Moss (USA) are no longer related.  I,
too, thought that Moss Motors of CA still owned Triumphtune, because
of the logos on the catalog, but was corrected in this misconception 
about a year ago.  The Moss Europe division was sold to a big British 
holding company about three or so years ago.  I don't remember the 
details, maybe whoever originally posted the info can re-post it (was 
it you, cak?).


John Lye


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