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Re: Re[2]: Poster on ceiling Results !!!

To: Triumph owners list <>
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Poster on ceiling Results !!!
Date: Fri, 24 May 96 10:19:33 EDT
Comments: Converted from PROFS to RFC822 format by PUMP V2.2X
*** Resending note of 05/23/96 16:14
Hu Stanley <> wrote:

>Boats are uniformly considered as female, but there seems to be "levels of
>macho" when one thinks of cars.  ...My wife told me she would never consider
>buying a Corvette, as it's a "guy car"!

In this country and, I think in England too, boats and ships (there's a
difference) are referred to as female. In the former Soviet Union boats
and ships are referred to as "he".


Isn't it tho?

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