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Re: Re[2]: Poster on ceiling Results !!!

Subject: Re: Re[2]: Poster on ceiling Results !!!
From: aj253@rgfn.epcc.Edu (Tony Robinson)
Date: Thu, 23 May 96 13:32:51 MDT

>     Well, no sexism intended :-). I'm just trying to get other folks' 
>     perceptions on this; it's sociologically interesting to me. 
>     But you may be right, some of my friends refer to their TR6's as 
>     feminine, but mine just doesn't feel that way. Maybe each car, like 
>     each bulldog, has a masculine or feminine orientation.
>     I also may be keying in on sound here. I've been a musician most of my 
>     life and aural stimuli mean more to me than visual. But then, just to 
>     add more confusion, a large part of why I feel MGA's are feminine is 
>     the delicacy of their lines as compared with the burliness of the TR6. 
>     Jim
>     '74 TR6 CF20076U
>______________________________ Reply Separator 
>Subject: Re: Poster on ceiling Results !!!
>Author:  Hu Stanley <> at smtpcc
>Date:    5/23/96 11:33 AM
>On Thu, 23 May 1996 wrote:
>> *** Resending note of 05/23/96 13:27
>>  Subject: Re: Poster on ceiling Results !!! 
>> Jim Sudduth wrote:
>>      >there's something too masculine about the whole TR range. Same with
>>      >the Healeys. Now an MGA or an ALFA could be feminine to me, but not a 
>>      >TR. What's the consensus on this?
>Y'all gotta remember not to be so sexist in your thinking.  :}
>TR6's, despite being (to some) squat, blunt nosed, and wide tracking can 
>STILL be female.  ...Have none of you folks considered the fact that 
>there are female bulldogs?  ...Consider, kind gentlemen, that 
>perspectives on beauty are different from tribe to tribe, just ask 
>the male bulldog and most TR owners!
>Hu Stanley
>'75 TR7
>former owner of '83 TR6, '68 Spit, '70 Spit  ...loved 'em all

 Interesting thread. I guess I just got in on it a little late.
 There is no doubt of the "gender" issue. I am sure EVERYONE will agree 
that most of these lbcs are of the male persuasion. 

 When was the last time, while experiencing some difficulty, has anyone 
called their lbc anything other than a Son-of-a-B----?
Regards to all

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