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Re: Re[2]: Poster on ceiling Results !!!

To: Tony Robinson <aj253@rgfn.epcc.Edu>
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Poster on ceiling Results !!!
From: Hu Stanley <>
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 15:10:02 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 23 May 1996, Tony Robinson wrote:

> Hu,
>  Interesting thread. I guess I just got in on it a little late.
>  There is no doubt of the "gender" issue. I am sure EVERYONE will agree 
> that most of these lbcs are of the male persuasion. 
>  When was the last time, while experiencing some difficulty, has anyone 
> called their lbc anything other than a Son-of-a-B----?
> Regards to all
> Tony
> ###


I didn't start the thread, but I agree that the subject is interesting.  
It is also telling as to what goes in to making something made of 
metal into something exalted as so much more.

Similar to one's perspective on women, I think it has a lot to do with 
your experience.  I've got a roto-tiller I appreciate enough to have 
named ("Old Snort").  I think of dogs mostly as male and cats as primarily 

Boats are uniformly considered as female, but there seems to be "levels of 
macho" when one thinks of cars.  ...My wife told me she would never consider 
buying a Corvette, as it's a "guy car"! 


- Hu -

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