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RE: RE: N.O.S. Redlines

To: "" <>
Subject: RE: RE: N.O.S. Redlines
From: Wes Grady <>
Date: Sat, 4 May 1996 13:09:57 -0400
Joe, you remind me of a situation that happened about 15 years ago.  I was in 
my last year of law school and was helping out at the tire store (that's were I 
learned all  I know about tires, which admittedly is a little dated at 
present).  It was the beginning of winter and everyone was in getting their 
snow tires.  One man and his wife came in and started off with something to the 
effect of: "my wife is a mediocre driver who hates the snow.  I want the 
absolute best tire and setup for her car."  We talked and I recommended a set 
of Gislaved Frosts with carbide studs for ice traction, and mounted on all four 
wheels.  I explained that there were more expensive tires, but none that would 
out-perform the Frosts.  He immediately said yes, and we wrote it up and the 
men in the shop started working on the car.  A few minutes later he came over 
and said that he wanted white walls.  I explained that the Frost did not come 
in white walls because the Europeans don't care about such things, and besides 
this was a snow tire.  He balked and said he would only take white walls, and 
put something else on.  End result, he paid more money, got less of a snow tire 
and never did what he started out to do, put the best tire on the car for his 
wife.  Now, you want red-lines.  Ok, Coker has them in their catalog for $170 
each, plus tax and shipping and installation and tubes or rubstrips.  Multiply 
by 4 and you quickly get to the $800+ range.

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