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Re: TR6 clutch problems

Subject: Re: TR6 clutch problems
From: (Gary Schneider)
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 95 14:13:11 CDT
Tony Baker writes:
>I have a 1974 Triumph TR6.The clutch has been a constant
>source or problems. The most common problem is that it does not disengage
>leaving it difficult to get in first second and reverse gear.

Inside the bell housing, the clutch throw fork is secured to the pivot
shaft by a wimpy, inadequate taper pin. This slowly distorts and makes
clutch action marginal. This is a common problem in TR6s and is the only
thing I know of that would account for the unusual angle of the external
arm. Mine was welded up by a DPO, and I had a parts car with the same
problem (that's why it was given to me)

Also check your crankshaft end float - I had a TR6 with a clutch that
wouldn't fully release going uphill because the crank would slip backward
by a few hundredths!

Gary Schneider, Nicolet Instrument Technologies
phone: 608-276-6172, Fax: 608-273-5061, Internet:

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