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Differential problem, cont. (was goldarndest thing)

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Differential problem, cont. (was goldarndest thing)
From: "Jeff McNeal" <jmcneal@ohms.com>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 11:56:21 -0800
Thanks as always, to everyone who responded to my most unusual problem
yesterday.  After removing the rear suspension on the left side in order to
get the halfshaft out of the way and get the clearance needed to remove the
bearing retention plate with those allen screws on the diff, I could find no
evidence of the circlip, including any metal fragments, which means it was
either not installed in the first place, or is sitting at the bottom of the
differential.  I'm very tempted to drill a large drain plug at the bottom,
rather than have to remove the diff to find out.  I've taken a series of
pictures to show you what I found, and hope that someone can confirm that the
bearing (intact and looking good) is not where it is supposed to be on the
stub shaft.  I'm guessing that it's sitting right on top of the groove where
the AWOL circlip should be.  Any confirmation, words of wisdom, etc. would be
appreciated.  Thank you.






Take care,

Jeff in San Diego

1968 Spitfire Mk3 aka "Mrs. Jones"
Back on the road 3/17/03... right back off six days later...
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