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Re: Tax Disc . Now Bad Roads, Now Self Serve Gas!

To: Fred Thomas <vafred@erols.com>,
Subject: Re: Tax Disc . Now Bad Roads, Now Self Serve Gas!
From: "Scott A. Roberts" <herald1200@comcast.net>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 17:43:41 -0400
Well Scott, just wait till they over fill your tank and the paint stains and
starts to peel, over inflated tires make for a lot of bad times in any car,
very dangerous driving with a 1/2 cleaned streakie windshield, and these are
just a few of the "Full Service" goodies you can expect, I will not allow
anyone at anytime to at any gas station for any reason, "NEVER"  "FT"

Guess it just depends where you go- I know a few really good stations in my
area, that I trust not to mess things up. And if people these days would
raise their kids to be responsible, not "slackers" as is the general way
apparently, then you wouldn't have these things to worry about. :)

(I work with a few teen/20's kids daily, and they are generally the laziest,
trying to get away with the least amount of effort, while I look for things
to do to make my boss' investment worthwhile...)


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