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Re: Tax Disc . Now Bad Roads, Now Self Serve Gas!

To: Kristi Richardson <lytabyron@hotmail.com>, pbowen@intellinetics.com,
Subject: Re: Tax Disc . Now Bad Roads, Now Self Serve Gas!
From: "Scott A. Roberts" <herald1200@comcast.net>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 17:21:56 -0400
I prefer having someone pump gas for me- Why should I have to pay $1.25 a
gallon in NJ, where they pump the gas, and pay $1.35 in Maryland, where I
pump it myself? You save NOTHING at self serve stations out of state, so why
bring it home?

Why should my hands get dirty? Why should I stand in the weather? Why should
I demand self serve at the cost of other peoples jobs? The prices won't go
down if you go to self serve, only up if you go to the full serve pump at a
mainly self serve station!

I think gas stations should be required by law to check the tires and do the
windshield, not just pump the gas, and look at you funny when you speak

I think you get the idea- self serve, while a cute concept, is really a
stupid idea. You are now working directly for the oil company- why not
demand a paycheck if you are doing their work? And what will the gas pumpers
do when they lose their jobs cause you want the thrill of pumping gas and
paying more for the privilege...?

Rant over, I don't like self serve.(And did not mean to point to anyone
directly with reference to "you")

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