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Re: Off Topic: Engine Swaps - P-51 Mustang?

To: "Spitfire List" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Off Topic: Engine Swaps - P-51 Mustang?
From: "Laura Gharazeddine" <laura.g@141.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 11:51:55 -0700
>I remember seeing a program about a Rolls Royce with some 

>engine-swap, I wonder if this is what you're thinking of?  Don't 

remember all
>the details, but the story goes something like this:

>> On another note; Does anyone remember seeing a program about a 

car with
>> the Merlin engine? I can't remember where I saw it...

A Merlin engine is a pretty big, heavy thing. And what about the 
drive train and rear end for such a swap? You might add a lot of 
hp, but what about the amount of weight? A Rolls is big, but that 
sort of equipement is pretty large-how to make it all fit?

As whenever I see a Hummer stretch limo, all I can do is shake my 
head and think, "Why?"

Laura G.                 

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