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Re: Off Topic: Engine Swaps -P-51Mustang?

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Off Topic: Engine Swaps -P-51Mustang?
From: "Laura Gharazeddine" <laura.g@141.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 11:43:40 -0700
>> Whew! I bet you're hell on wheels at the local air shows. :-)  
>> The most I can do is go "look at the pretty plane".

My long time, now ex boyfriend but forever best friend Maurizio 
goes to airshows and chats up the pilots-and they invite him to 
fly! Except-he has never been in the cockpit of a realplane! He 
knows so much technical stuff-and of aeroplanes most don't even 
think about-things like Marchettis, Savoias and stuff...it's 
hilarious to watch him-because he's so serious-and has such an 
Italian accent. Even more amazing still to hear him talk about all 
the tech stuff and engines when you know that 1.) He didn't learn 
English until he was in his thirties and 2.) the man doesn't know 
to check the oil in the car or even check the air in the tires!

We go to all the air shows we can-the vendors know us. (Or used 
to, before he moved away this past winter.) People always say, 
"Oh, you must have loved the El Toro air show!" Actually, not at 
all because like you mention-they go to (get drunk and) look at 
all the pretty planes. 

Unlike myself, Maurizio really does know all this stuff off the 
top of his head. At least I learned (through him and WWII spotter 
cards) the difference between Spitfires, Typhoons, Hurricanes, 
Tempests and that a Hudson is called an A-29 in the U.S. And P-38, 
39, 40-etc...

Unfortunately-he took all the big (expensive) reference books with 
him! (I wish I had a wife &/or a girlfriend who'd give me stuff 
like that for presents!)

Laura G.                 

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