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Re: Automatic transmission

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Automatic transmission
From: Michael Hargreave Mawson <OC@46thFoot.com>
Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2002 19:13:44 +0000
In article <3C656C3A.3CD925EA@gte.net>, Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net> 
>"Ken St.John at Twangdemonium" wrote:
>> I guess the question I have is how many people have a truly stock original
>> Spit and just how much are we allowed to modify them????  Who decides this?
>You are the one who decides!  Since it is your car and your money, do 
>what suits you best.  These cars although wonderfully styled are not 
>likely to
>ever become high value collector cars (at least in my lifetime), so 
>doing whatever you want makes perfect sense.  If you want to make a 
>highway driver
>out of it, by all means go with either a larger engine or at least n 
>overdrive gearbox.  Go for style, performance and reliability and you 
>won't ever
>regret it.  If you can, build it so that if later you change your mind, 
>you can always put it back to stock.

What a wonderful way of saying exactly what I said, but putting 
completely the opposite spin on it!

(BTW, Joe, I don't know how long you are anticipating living, but I 
reckon that these will certainly be "high-value collector cars" within 
the next forty years or so - and I'm only 34...)

Michael Hargreave Mawson, author of "Eyewitness in the Crimea"

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