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Re: screwed...

To: jmcneal@ohms.com
Subject: Re: screwed...
From: Greg Ames <greg.ames.90@alum.dartmouth.org>
Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2000 14:16:28 -0500
One last idea...  I have never tried this, but a friend of mine swears by
this technique for removing broken cylinder head studs.  It does require
access to an arc welder.

As best as I can summarize, he taps the exposed part of the bolt/stud with
the welder electrode, placing a small bead of welding rod on the surface.
By iterating multiple times, he builds up a decent-sized nub that he can
grab with a pair of vice-grips.  In addition, the rapid heat cycling causes
the stud to expand in the hole, crushing the rust in the threads and
loosening it.  He swears that by the time he has enough to grab with the
vice-grips, the stud will spin freely.

Obviously, the stud's diameter has to be large enough that you don't wind
up welding it to the surrounding hole!


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