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Re: Door window glass

To: "List, Spitfire" <spitfires@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Re: Door window glass
From: Richard Gosling <rbgos@perkins-engines.com>
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 16:47:40 +0000

The glass is held in the channel by a strip of rubber.  This wraps
around the bottom of the glass, and should just be a (FIRM) push fit
into the channel.  Of course, if the rubber is very old, it is likely to
have perished, and may be stuck to the glass and/or channel, making the
glass harder to remove.  Solutions probably include either brute force,
or something to dissolve the rubber (not sure what - anyone got any

While you are at it, it is worth renewing the weather strips that stop
water getting into the door.  Not only will the door rust, but the
channel holding the window will rust - this had already happened to
Daffy when I bought her, which is why I know my way around the

Richard Gosling and Daffy

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