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Journey to UK

To: "List, Spitfire" <spitfires@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Journey to UK
From: Richard Gosling <rbgos@perkins-engines.com>
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 16:56:50 +0000

Whatever you do, DO NOT be tempted to visit the Millenium Dome.  This is
essentially a massive tent that has been erected with about 700 million
quid of lottery-raised money, with nothing of any great interest inside
at all - although you are expected to cough up 20 quid and spend the
best part of the day visiting it.  It is architecturally wonderful, but
you can tell that from the outside and save your cash.

I can't think of anything at all in London worth visiting that is
car-related.  The RAF museum that I think Mark Gardner is recommending
is at Duxford, about 3/4 hours drive north of London, (and 3/4 of the
way to my place near Cambridge!), and yes, that's worth a visit.  The
two best places to visit for car museums are probably the Heitage Motor
Centre and Beulieu, but both are some way from London.  For motor
racing, Brands Hatch is one of our top race tracks and is just outside
London - check out www.brands-hatch.co.uk to find out what's on when
you're here.

Do you really not get Subaru Impreza Turbos in the US?  Oh dear, you
really are missing out...

Have a good trip,

Richard Gosling and Daffy

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