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Door window glass

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Door window glass
From: Fred Griffiths <griffco@mail.cadvision.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 20:32:00 -0700
In the process of building my car out of boxes of bits, I discover I 
have two right hand door glasses (windows) in the glass frames, but one 
left hand glass frame with no glass - ie broken.
        So in order to make one of each type I propose removing one 
right hand glass and sticking it into the left hand glass frame.  

Question is
1.      How to get the good glass out of the frame, and
2.      How to get the glass into the other frame without breaking it 
and so it will stay.

All suggestions appreciated.

Also discover I have two window glasses with rounded rear top corners - 
suspect they're for MK 1, 2 or 3.  Anyone need them - from Canada with 
Cheers, Fred
Fred & Wendy Griffiths
Calgary, Canada
mailto: griffco@cadvision.com

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