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Re: A Suitable Punishment: Was Burned on the net

To: "Mark Milotay" <mark.milotay@onthemark.bc.ca>,
Subject: Re: A Suitable Punishment: Was Burned on the net
From: "Keith R. Stewart" <kstewart@wwdc.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 17:52:43 -0400
Mark Milotay wrote:
> Let's help Fred out on this. If he was to give us all the miscreants
> address, we could all forward on the various junk emails that we find
> ourselves plagued with. This bombing of messages offering him XXX sites,
> and make money quick opportunities might be just the form of irritation
> force him on to the straight and narrow. That is unless he turns out to
> like the fellow that offered to sell a friend of mine an MGA TC engine,
> turned out to be operating out of a Federal Pen at a payphone with a copy
> of Hemmings. I think that we owe it to maintaining the sanctity of the
> to abuse him into good behaviour.
> - Mark
Sorry Mark, I have to disagree with you and the others who have already
responded. While I do sympathize with Fred and wish there was something
that we could do to help him out, wasting bandwidth and the internet itself
in such a frivolous way flys in the face of the etiquette of this fabulous
resource we have at our disposal. A local visit, and other possible
solutions might help Fred get his money or his goods, but wasting this
resource that MJB has provided for us in such a manner is not the way to go
about it...IMHO :-) No flame intended, just another opinion :-)


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