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A Suitable Punishment: Was Burned on the net

To: Fred Griffiths <griffco@mail.cadvision.com>, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: A Suitable Punishment: Was Burned on the net
From: Mark Milotay <mark.milotay@onthemark.bc.ca>
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 11:46:18 -0700
Fellow Listers,

Let's help Fred out on this. If he was to give us all the miscreants email
address, we could all forward on the various junk emails that we find
ourselves plagued with. This bombing of messages offering him XXX sites,
and make money quick opportunities might be just the form of irritation to
force him on to the straight and narrow. That is unless he turns out to be
like the fellow that offered to sell a friend of mine an MGA TC engine, but
turned out to be operating out of a Federal Pen at a payphone with a copy
of Hemmings. I think that we owe it to maintaining the sanctity of the Net
to abuse him into good behaviour.

- Mark

At 08:31 AM 15/10/1999 -0600, Fred Griffiths wrote:
>Hi guys & Gals,
>        Don't know if this is what you call 'bombing'(if so, I apologize)
the list, but 
>I want to warn you about a guy selling Spitfire parts.  He's stung me so far.
>        Guy named R. Nick Durham of Cincinnatti, OH (I have complete
address & Phone No)
>was introduced to me via a list member.  (I'm not blaming anyone on the
list.)  We
>corresponded via email for a week, and in June he was to send me a motor
(or part of)
>via a trucking company that I had arranged.  I'd pay freight and all
>        By July nothing had happened - all kinds of excuses, so I said
wait till
>September.  I send a bank draft to the address he gave me.  More emails,
more phone
>calls but no motor arrives.  It is now October and even several phone
calls haven't
>nudged him into action.  I'll have to admit I'm being 'had'.
>        So, if Nick Durham (perhaps his alias is Bull Durham) wants to
sell you any
>Spitfire parts, particularly a 70/71 MK IV motor - get the motor first
then worry about
>paying.  I've already paid for it.
>        If anyone in Cincinatti wants to pay Mr. Durham a visit on my
behalf, I'd make
>some kind of compensation.   Heck I'd even provide the persuader!
>Caveat Emptor,
>Cheers, Fred
>Fred & Wendy Griffiths
>Calgary, Canada
>mailto: griffco@cadvision.com

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