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Wire Wheels

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Wire Wheels
From: "Ken C" <KenCunningham@worldnet.att.net>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 19:58:39 -0700
Fellow Spitfire listers,

The '72 Spitfire I'm rebuilding came with 5 wire wheels, not the knock-off
kind, these are direct bolt-on types. I think they were an option for a very
short period of time, that's question one. Was there such an option ?

Question two, are they worth rebuilding ?  No broken spokes, but after
removing the tires and looking inside, there is rust on the nipples. The
exteriors just need a little sand blasting and paint, but I would like to
replace a bunch of nipples, and probably some spokes.

Which leads to question three, where do you get nipples and spokes ?

Thanks,  Ken C

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