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Re: cooling and oil mods?

To: <>
Subject: Re: cooling and oil mods?
From: "JJJ" <>
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2003 11:19:19 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
References: <008c01c3ba4c$d59b2020$b965fea9@one>
Reply-to: "JJJ" <>
 Just in case there was any confusion, I wasn't saying not to use the
pre-treatment every time, but rather that I wouldn't recommend buying an
extra filter and cheap oil and doing a 2nd oil-change every time.  That's
probably a waste of money, though harmless.  That was only in the case of an
old engine of unknown mileage that had sat for 14 years that I really wanted
to clean.  Using the oil-thinner at regular oil changes on a healthy car is
a great idea.  I haven't heard any reports of it causing seal deterioration
or other problems.  If you have an old car where the varnish deposits are
the only thing keeping your compression up and your gaskets from leaking,
you might have problems though ;-)
James J.

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