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Re: cooling and oil mods?

To: "Glenn" <>, "JJJ" <>, <>
Subject: Re: cooling and oil mods?
From: "Paul Hunt \(T\)" <>
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2003 09:35:59 -0000
References: <>
Reply-to: "Paul Hunt \(T\)" <>
As JJJ has said.  Some say you shouldn't use these it might loosen large
chunks of dirt which block oilways, which seems a good reason to do it on a
regular basis!  It does come out like water and jet black - and very hot -
even when the oil was light brown before-hand and the liquid is clear.  I
didn't use it every time when I was doing high mileages (about 170 miles per
day which was an oil and filter change about every six weeks) but I do now
she is more of a lady of leisure and changes less frequent.  See the RPI
site for descriptions and pictures of dirty engines -  I did a top-end overhaul earlier this
year and mine was 'brown tarnished' which equates to 'very low mileage' but
it had done about 70k since the last time the cam and tappets were changed.
Even then the tappets where only showing a couple of thou of wear and the
bores which had even more mileage on them still showed the honing marks over
90% of the surface.  STP and Forte are two products I have used.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn" <>
To: "Paul Hunt (T)" <>; "JJJ"
<>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: cooling and oil mods?

> Am I missing something in my regular maintenance.
> What is a pre-change flushing treatment and do I
> really need to use one?

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