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Re: cooling and oil mods?

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: cooling and oil mods?
From: "JJJ" <>
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2003 11:14:06 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
References: <>
Reply-to: "JJJ" <>
Glenn, and company,
    I've used these once.  It's a sludge-remover that you pour into your old
oil just prior to changing it.  You pour it in, let the car idle for 20
minutes, so the detergent can break up the sludge deposits, and then change
your oil.  You are not supposed to put any load on the engine after you have
put this stuff in the oil, so I suspect that it thins the oil greatly (which
 I suspect, is also how it breaks up the sludge), so don't drive it until
after you have put in new oil.
    I've actually done the process this way:
1)buy some cheap motor oil and a cheap filter
2)drain the dirty old oil and change the filter
3)put in cheap oil and filter and add the oil-detergent
4)idle car for (20??) minutes (read label)
5)drain, and put in good oil and filter.

Now I wouldn't do this every time, but I did it when the engine in my 'B had
lain dormant for 14 years.  My philosophy was that any fluid can only hold
so much crap in it before it saturates, and old gunked-up filters can
restrict flow.  We want good flow to help remove the sludge, and the old oil
is probably saturated.  So for 20 minutes of idle time,  a cheap filter will
increase flow, and the cheap oil will hold more crud in suspension than the
old oil would.
I suspect that this process is analogous to a blood clot being treated with
blood thinners.  The risk is that the sludge could break free and clog a
small orifice, like a hollow pushrod, hydraulic tappet, or rocker, like a
clot going to the brain.  The best way to avoid this is preventative
medicine, or in other words:  Don't let your engine get gunked up in the
first place.

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