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Re: Choices...

To: Diana Wilson <>
Subject: Re: Choices...
From: Pamela Pepoy <>
Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2001 19:16:31 -0700
Don't give up kiddo.
It's a very Japanese zen's the journey not the destination.  It's 
and after all...whataya gonna do....leave all your money to the kids?  Driving 
fun, fixin is fun, learning is fun, the sense of accomplishing something special
is fun.  Cleaning up the oil under your leaky roadster...that isn't fun.
My .02
Tempe, AZ

Diana Wilson wrote:

> Last night as I was looking at the lake under my car...(Lovely Lake Roadster,
> how the sun twinkles off your darkened surface....ah, but I digress....)
> I was pondering just why in the heck a novice like me got into a car
> like this.
> Anyway, I guess I'm going to get the little critter towed back for more
> work and it makes me feel very...ok.../extremely/ edgy.  I'm thinking
> of marking this off as an unwise decision and selling him.  Right now
> he's  not going anywhere...and I haven't decided what I'm going to do
> but...I just wanted to share my embarrassment/frustration. ;P
> -D-
> Tomorrow...sailing!
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